
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Crash: If I only had a brain


Sherrif Joe Bozo perpetuates one of humanity’s most perplexing phenomenon:  If a lunatic goes crazy, does it drive him sane?

Seems Joe is all in a tizzy because the GOP is spending “$200 Billion” and “none of it is accounted for?”  The FEC keeps track of every dime there Joe, and it’s available to anyone.

Via Open Secrets – here’s who’s spending what, where it comes from and what it’s spent for.  Totals here include 2010 election cycle expenditures made both by the main committee and by all its affiliated committees.

Cash on Hand


Where's the money coming from?  Note six of the top ten are unions!  Click on the "Hitters" to see which party benefits - as if you didn't know

Top 10 Heavy Hitters:

Return to your seats and shut up.  We are in complete control.

Vote please!

1 comment:

  1. Without looking it up, I'm betting that the American Assn. for Justice is a trial lawyer lobby.

    Not to be confused with the Justice Brothers...
